The world has started to rely upon mobile phone technology that enables communication when people are, for example, travelling. Or visiting friends.
The life we live has been seriously changed but is it all for the better? Being aware of danger makes us alert. Driving a vehicle, for example, requires constant attention. Using mobiles when driving has been made illegal in this country, for very good reasons. Our brains are unable to do language and steering at the same time, it seems.
When mobile phones started to appear it was considered gauche to allow one to ring when at dinner or in a shared public space (like the cinema). These days if your mobile does not go off during a date, it almost like saying you are not all that popular.
Attention is now a commodity. No longer can you own or control your own time. It is randomly portioned out to the will of others. Is this entirely wise?
There is nothing wrong with mobiles, it is just they accentuate existing human foibles by increasing access, increasing interruption, and increasing anxiety.
And then the adverts that give you an IQ test requiring your mobile number to charge you for the answer. The test can not be an accurate IQ test. Is this valuable?
Disclaimer: I do not own a mobile phone.