Saturday, May 22, 2010

Free Information

James Murdoch wants to keep his assets out of the British Library

"The heir to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation empire attacked the British Library yesterday for "harming the market" in print journalism by allowing online access to its vast newspaper archive. James Murdoch, head of News Corp in Europe and Asia, spoke out days ahead of his company's big gamble in introducing charges for access to the websites of The Times and The Sunday Times."

- The Independent

Our Response:

What is he? A protectionist? There has always been a market for free information, history is not for sale!

It is a legal human right to know what happened from many points of view. Every other news media organisation recognises that their copyright expires and their writings may become public domain in good time. This does not stop Murdoch adding value to his assets. Just look at how Fox and Friends embellish the news for the select audience of the fixed minds of Right wing fundamentalist Americans who love to see their fiendish representation of things. It is nothing more than an archive of fiction. Let them protect it and remove their opinions from the stream of common history.

Excellent idea James. Keep it out of human history.

1 comment:

  1. Where James gets the idea that he can decide who has access to history is indicative of where we're at as a civilization. There are a few that think they have the right to decide what you and me should know and how we should think. In this day is he no different from the likes of his antiquated predecessors holding on to a good thing while he can.

    Let's digress...They say that information is power but what information are they talking about and who's information should you believe? The real power resides in the medium and the big problem, it would appear, is that no one controls this medium and no one can just buy up the interweb and feed us their daily drivel. I like that.
