The state of civilisation is indirectly related to the fierce accuracy of its media. Not so much in factual reportage, although that is essential, but the ability to speak the language of a large a slice of people as possible.
The media is there to specialise attention. To bring about that Platonic wish reflected into Derrida that difference is essential to everything. The nightmare is when most media is similar enough that there is only a singular point to be viewed. The concentration of images and events that inform the public what is the effects of the decisions of power has a manifest value.
The rise of social networking is a false trail for newspapers. Yes some of it is useful. Being able to discuss the news with a like or different minded but similarly fascinated attention - the harnessing of a conversation that reveals seems to be the goal. More content we can read and consume and set fire to opinions with, discuss, digress, digest.
What is the point of the multifaceted view of the world? It is not exactly rational to tell lies or stories that are made up. It pays to be real, alive, truthful. The published media make money by selling advertising and spend it on writers and reportage. A news organisation can make stories and then license it to other players who make media. Television news has provided a face to go with the stories. Somehow it seems essential but tells you less than a newspaper yet it is far more popular.
The real goal of online media is to tell you more than a newspaper while doing so with the communication clarity of well concepted ideas.
The reason TV works in real time is the reason that it does not work as a library. Not as an advertising medium. It is too easy to avoid the advertising.
Which explains the medium of online communities. These harness a voice, an identity that people can grasp onto and talk with each other. But that should never be the limit, a news media is about something more than entertainment and presentation of the news.
The mistake with AI is to use it to replace humans. No reason to do that, we like what we like because we do not know what it will be and the moment of not realising that is better than one where all is predictable. We learn plenty from significant surprises.
A news experience engages its readership with a provocative compelling discussion.
It does not take contention, but directed irritation. Many planned paths of contention.
Muted design gives a paper a silent identity.