Friday, September 25, 2009


Once upon a time, distribution used to be a controlled, expensive and very restricted activity. Suddenly it is unrestricted and a perception has developed that there is an increasing demand for triviality. With a hope that people will buy into this on their mobiles. Buying a series of 5 minute dramas seems like a producers dream. Cheap plentiful content with very little need for sustained writing, can be written and donated by contributors and the random hit and low cost guaranteeing a return.

Is not fantasy the suspension of disbelief? As everyone in the universe attempts to attract a following on the momentum of a digital tidal wave of media access, it is a mistake to commodify availability to the exclusion of a cultural progress.

It is inevitable that overreach into false entertainment will eventually suffer competition of actual genius. The television formats were false regimes, but suitably gripping content was required to sustain decor for advertising.

It is not that people want or need insubstantial content. It is that the medium is not the same medium. Will the advent of rapid broadband world wide change our perception of privacy?

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