Frankly, I have had enough of it. Constant star in the news, this long dark night of financial destitution hanging over the world. What a stupid mess we humans go and create. People's life of saving for nothing.
Republicanism used to be an ideal. Now it is avoiding taxation. But our complex world requires it to continue with the progress machine without which we would still be feudal farmers and serfs.
Money is the friction between the relative actions of different humans. Animals are not familiar with it. Objects are exchanged for it, including living things, dead things and things that rush about for us.
Money is that token of one's power that is vacuumed up by everyone else. Money is always wanted, and it seems the more you have of it, the closer you want to protect it. It is like protecting the village from the flames. The closer they get the more you risk by protecting it.
Insurance is a huge business, one that is challenged to inspect those making claims with an eye to detect fraud. Of course. But in so doing, they avert their gaze from their own mistakes. Clearly you can not be an insurer of risk and take risks with the mountains of capital collected for payout in cases of extreme emergency.
Clearly you can not promote high priced products to an audience wondering how it will feed its children. The value of paper can not sustain the multi million dollar spends on a single campaign. The UK give money to the very poor as the government knows they have to spend it. The middle class will silently tuck it away, giving the bank more relief when the tax payer has already forked out grandly.
Advertising is the next aspect of the media that has to adopt a new face to work in the new acoustic economy of regulations and limits. The compulsive gamblers are still ranting about how letting the bad banks fail is the way back to a climbing market. That is like saying the way to solve the common cold is to imprison everyone with a symptom for two weeks. The few survivors will be extremely immune and soon enough the common cold will have less and less to infect. It may work but only due to complete collapse of the world from which rebuilding can start in earnest.
Our world is one we are made aware of by the very astute people in the media. So let us respect their value to the world. It requires a leap of faith.
Someone is going to start charging for online news and information will again have a value. The future of advertising is in the balance. Next read about its terminal destination.
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